The Truth About Cancer HD


Jun 6, 2022
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The Truth About Cancer HD

The Truth About Cancer HD
WEBRip | English | MP4 | 1280 x 720 | AVC ~1448 kbps | 30 fps
AAC | 192 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 channels | 13:07:56 | 8.1 GB
Genre: eLearning Video / Health, Medicine

28 Doctors, 11 Scientists, 9 Survivors and 1 "FDA Dragon Slaying" Attorney
Breaks their 'Code Of Silence' and Exposes the TRUTH About Cancer
and Exactly How to Prevent, Treat and Beat it 100% Naturally!

Doctors and Scientists Expose Cancer In New Documentary Their timing couldn't be better. With October being breast cancer awareness month, it's no wonder they chose to break their "code of silence" now in this free documentary.

Do you want to know exactly how to prevent cancer? Do you want to know how to treat and beat cancer too? And do you want to do it all naturally without all the poison and radiation?

Never before have so many Doctors, Scientists, Researchers, and Survivors gathered so boldly to share their secrets for survival. While mainstream doctors and oncologists want you to believe that "cancer is a death sentence". IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT!

I once had someone ask me this: Would you give a healthy person Chemo (poison)? Would you give a healthy person Radiation? Of course not. So why do we give sick people these treatments and expect them to get well? Is there a better way? Do we have more options? YES!

Right now, there are hundreds of thousands of people that are in remission because of these doctors and their unconventional (yet healthy) protocols. And what's even better is these doctors share their secrets for preventing, treating and beating cancer (for free) in this inspiring show. So, before your doctor tries to "Cut, Burn or Poison" you (or a loved one) with Chemo, Radiation, or Surgery. you need to watch this free "Tell All" documentary first. You'll be glad you did. ~ Ty

Since we're going to be sharing a lot of new and exciting information that "big pharma" doesn't want you to see, we have to keep this a private event for the time being. Are you
ready to experience an amazing 11-day adventure and learn about the most cutting edge protocols to preventing, treating, and even beating cancer?

• I'm sure you've heard the dangers of genetically modified foods aka "GMO's" and another name for them that's becoming my favorite is "Franken-Foods."
• In this eye-opening report, I dive in and tell you the real reasons why you need to AVOID these foods at all costs.
• Even though GMO's have gotten a lot more press over the past few years I bet you didn't know that over 70% of processed foods contain genetically modified ingredients!
• Your first line of defense in preventing and treating cancer is your immune system. Yup, from colds to cancer, your immune system is what keeps us healthy.
• Did you know that "over 74 BILLION pounds of toxic cancer-causing chemicals are dumped into the environment each day in the USA alone"?
• Or what about the part where we learn that "aspartame (which is in most diet drinks) was formerly on a list of bio-warfare weapons and eats holes in your brain"!
• Which detoxification treatments were actually in the Merck Manual until the 1970s.
• That the lymphatic system is the most overlooked "detox" system in the body.
• Learn the ORDER by which you should detoxify your internal organs, and why if you don't detox properly, you can harm more than help.
• There are estimated to be approximately 100,000 chemicals now in commerce, 30,000 of which are in common use and only 3,500 of which have been safely tested.
• Throughout our daily life we are in constant contact with environmental toxins. Detoxification is your key to the fountain of youth.
• For thousands of years, humans have used the plant life around them to help cure their ailments.
• If you walk into the woods, you will be hard pressed to find anything that's not medicine, you'll learn about how natural food really can be your medicine.
• You'll learn which foods to avoid and which ones to eat.
• We'll learn about vitamin and mineral deficiencies and how to properly correct them with foods and herbs.
• And we'll also learn about which types of sugars feed cancer and which types don't. (you'll want to see this for sure)
• Learn the difference between left-spin and right-spin sugar molecules and which one feeds cancer cells and which one is healthy.
• Learn how seeds help defeat cancer by targeting cancer stem cells.
• Discover how this common emotion stimulates the immune system for 24 hours while another common emotion suppresses immunity for 6 hours.
• We all know that "You are what you eat" and we're going to show you exactly how to eat in a way that will destroy cancer cells and of course what to eat to keep you cancer-free using food, nutrition and supplementation.
• Could cervical cancer be nothing more than a nutritional deficiency disease?
• Is the Food Pyramid for the Standard American Diet (SAD) really upside down?
• Learn the difference between "good" and "bad" salt and how "good salt" is essential for proper functioning of the immune system and hormones.
• Learn why there are more anti-cancer compounds in a whole food diet than in your local oncology center.
• What if the popular diagnostic tests for cancer, such as mammograms and the PSA test, were ineffective (at best) and actually caused cancer (at worst)?
• We will also learn the story of suppression of a totally non-toxic cancer treatment from documentary filmmaker and historian, G. Edward Griffin.
• Some of the most amazing people I've ever met in my life are cancer survivors. Their will to live, never give up attitude, and overall LOVE for life is so contagious and such a blessing.
• Learn first-hand from survivors, ordinary people just like you, that beat the odds.

I want to have a serious conversation for a second before we move forward with the series. One thing that I really want everyone to understand is that this series is a "Quest for the Cures" (plural). Meaning. there's not just one way, or one magic pill, or one protocol that will work for everyone.

Depending on ones genetics, blood type, race, gender, medical history, type of cancer, and other factors, will determine what works and what doesn't. Not to mention, we've interviewed 51 experts, to get their opinions and expertise, and not all 51 will agree 100% on every single thing. And that's okay. If they all agreed on the same magic pill, then our show would only be 1 episode long!

So, please keep in mind that our mission is to investigate and educate, so that YOU (and everyone you love) can make an informed decision if they're ever faced with a cancer diagnoses.

Here in the U.S. one of the big catch phrases for television shows is "Must see TV". But it's really not "Must see". It's not going to change or save your life. Sure, it might be entertaining, dramatic or even funny. But your life probably won't be much different whether you watch it or not. Well, I'm going to use that catch phrase in the rightway because you absolutely "Must See" this Documentary. We've worked day and night to edit down over 45 hours of amazing interviews into the 11 one-hour episodes below.

Are you ready to experience an amazing 11-day adventure and learn about the most cutting edge protocols to preventing, treating, and even beating cancer?

Episode 1: Modern Medicine and The Cancer Pandemic
In order to understand the current state of affairs of medical practice in the Western World, it's vital to understand exactly how we got here. In this episode, we're going to jump into the time capsule and go all the way back over 100 years to the turn of the 20th century and learn how we got ourselves into this mess.

Episode 2: Your First Line Of Defense.
Did you know.that many oncologists believe that cancer cannot exist in a body whose immune system is functioning properly? In this episode you'll learn just how important your immune system is for fighting, destroying, and of course preventing the development of cancer and many other diseases.

Episode 3: Eliminate These "Dirty Dozen" To Prevent Cancer
In this episode you'll learn what foods, chemicals, elements, vaccines, and heavy metals are detrimental to your body. You'll also learn how to identify and remove them from your life.

Episode 4: Your Secret Fountain of Youth
We live in a much more toxic world than we did 100 years ago. There are estimated to be approximately 100,000 chemicals now in commerce and only 3,500 of which have been safely tested. Throughout our daily life we are in constant contact with environmental toxins. Detoxification is your key to the fountain of youth. You will learn the best detox methods and why safely detoxifying your body is so crucial to keeping you cancer free, but you'll also learn specific step-by-step instructions on how to detox properly and specifically for cancer treatment.

Episode 5: Nature's Pharmacy
In this episode, you'll learn about how natural food really can be your medicine. For thousands of years, humans have used the plant life around them to help cure their ailments. If you walk into the woods, you will be hard pressed to find anything that's not medicine.

Episode 6: Clean Foods and The Cancer-Free Diet
We all know that "You are what you eat" and in this episode we're going to show you exactly how to eat in a way that will destroy cancer cells and of course what to eat to keep you cancer-free using food, nutrition and supplementation.

Episode 7: Diagnostic "Do's and Don'ts" - Proven Treatment Protocols Part 1
What if the popular diagnostic tests for cancer, such as mammograms and the PSA test, were ineffective (at best) and actually caused cancer (at worst)? If that question caught your attention, you will definitely want to tune in to episode 7 as we learn that mammograms may not offer the life-saving benefits many women may hope for.

Episode 8: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 2
In this episode, we will continue our journey to learn about proven cancer treatment protocols. We'll learn from trailblazing physicians like Dr. Nick Gonzalez, Dr. Francisco Contreras, and Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy. We will also learn the story of suppression of a totally non-toxic cancer treatment from documentary filmmaker and historian, G. Edward Griffin.

Episode 9: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 3
In this episode, we will continue our journey to learn about proven cancer treatment protocols. We'll learn from Dr. Sunil Pai, Dr. James Forsythe, Dr. Bradford Weeks, R. Webster Kehr, Burton Goldberg, Dr. Ben Johnson, Dr. Daniel Nuzum, and Bob Wright

Episode 10: Doctor's Orders
Ever wonder what your doctor would do if he/she were diagnosed with breast cancer or colon cancer? Well in this episode, the doctors share exactly what they would do if diagnosed with different kinds of cancer.

Episode 11: How to Survive and Thrive
Learn first-hand from survivors, ordinary people just like you, that beat the odds. In this episode, you'll hear from others who've fought and won the battle - and exactly how they did it. This is going to be a powerful, inspirational, and extremely educational show that you won't want to miss. This series could save your life or someone you love.

About your host Ty Bollinger
Ty Bollinger is a CPA, health freedom advocate, cancer researcher, former competitive bodybuilder and author. After losing several family members to cancer, he refused to accept the notion that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the most effective treatments available for cancer patients. He began a quest to learn all he possibly could about alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry. What he uncovered was shocking. There is ample evidence to support the allegation that the "war on cancer" is largely a fraud and that multinational pharmaceutical companies are "running the show."
Ty has now made it his life mission to share the most remarkable discovery he made on his quest: the vast majority of all diseases, including cancer, can be easily prevented and even cured without drugs or surgery.
Do me a favor and share our site and mission with everyone you know so that they can watch it as well. The more we educate the world, the quicker we can eliminate this pandemic.

The Truth About Cancer HD
The Truth About Cancer HD
The Truth About Cancer HD
The Truth About Cancer HD
The Truth About Cancer HD
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