e-World Tech ASPMaker 2018.0.4


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e-World Tech ASPMaker 2018.0.4

e-World Tech ASPMaker 2018.0.4 | Languages: English | File Size: 63.2 MB

ASPMaker is a powerful ASP code generator that can generate a full set of ASP (Active Server Pages) quickly from a Microsoft Access Database, SQL Server or other databases supporting ODBC.

Using ASPMaker, you can instantly create Web sites that allow users to view, edit, search, add and delete records on the Web. ASPMaker is designed for high flexibility, it offers numerous options for you to generate ASP applications that best suits your needs. The generated codes are clean, straightforward and easy-to-customize. ASPMaker can save you tons of time and is suitable for both beginners and experienced developers alike.

Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access (Windows server), Microsoft SQL Server (Windows server), Oracle, and other databases supporting ODBC
Optional List, Add/Copy, View, Edit, Delete, Multi-Update and Search pages for each table/view (See Table Setup)
Optional Modal Dialog of Add/Copy, View, Edit, Delete, Multi-Update and Search pages in List page
Optional Tabular Form for Desktop Mode
Linked Tables from Multiple Databases
Responsive Layout with Bootstrap
Mobile Menu
Toolbar with Breadcrumbs, Vector Icons and Tooltip
Export to Printer-friendly/HTML/Word/Excel/CSV/XML/Email/PDF from List/View page
Different styles of links in List Options, Export Options and Paging Section
Optional Grid-Add, Grid-Edit, Inline-Add, Inline-Copy, Inline-Delete, Inline-Edit within the List page
Master/Detail-Add/Edit/View (supports mulitple detail tables
Referential Integrity (enforce foreign key points to a valid record in the master table), Cascade Delete and Cascade Update
Optional confirmation page before inserting or updating record
Pagers in List/Edit/View page
Fully customizable View and Edit options for each field. (See Field Setup)
File uploading to folder and database (supports mulitple file upload to folder)
Optional search features (Quick, Extended Quick and Advanced) with search result highlight and default search values
Optional User ID and User Level Advanced Security to protect data from unauthorized access (See Security Settings)
Complete user registration system with optional user activation, password expiry, failed and concurrent login control
Actions to Manage User Profile (for Administrators)
Password Generator and Password Strength Meter
Optional HTML settings. charset, font, CSS with preview. (See HTML Settings)
Theme with Bootstrap and AdminLTE variables
Menu Editor
Vertical/Horizontal Menu and submenu or grouping (Template extension for registered users only)
Multiple Master/Detail
Detail record count and Detail Preview (as overlay and/or as preview row) (extension for registered users only)
CSS stylesheet
Create, alter and drop database views with built-in visual query builder
Basic reporting
User selectable page size
Table-specific List page options
Highlight and select row color
Adding option to selection list on-the-fly
Dynamic Selection List with multiple display and parent/filter fields (SELECT, RADIO and CHECKBOX)
Dropdown Selection Lists
Option Template for Dropdown Selection Lists
Modal Lookup Dialog for Searching and Selecting from Lookup Table
Auto-Suggest textbox (supports option template)
Multi-Page Add/Edit/View pages as tabs/pills/collapses(accordion) with page captions
Login with Remember me (Auto-login)
Optional CAPTCHA system (with ReCAPTCHA)
Server events and client scripts
Custom template
Code repository
Multi-Language project
Language Selection Buttons
Scrolling table in List page (extension for registered users only)
Locale files for 70 languages
Locale settings with date and time separators and date format by language
Locale file editor
Field Visibility (extension for registered users only)
DateTime Picker
Timepicker Extension (for registered users only)
Custom Template with Export to Excel/Word/PDF/Email support
Custom Fields
Custom View Tags
Google Maps
Barcode and QR code
YouTube videos
Custom Edit Tag
Custom Files
Session Keep Alive and Session Timeout
Client Side Events and fields jQuery Plugin
Multi-Update of Field Settings
Local/Server Storage of Search Criteria
Cancel Button for Add/Edit/Delete/Update Pages
Auto Update to Latest Template (for registered users only)
Project Versioning
Auto-Render Template
Supports Sass (Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets)
Various ASP options. code page, charset, locale ID, session timeout, etc. Optional default date formats. (See ASP Settings)
Saving and restoring project from Project File
Synchronizing project with database
Test generated site with IIS Express
Server-side validation and/or client-side javascript validation
Field aggregation (sum, average and count)
Single or multiple column sorting
Audit Trail with log file or database table
Email Notification on Add/Edit/Delete
Dynamic table loading
Composite key
Auto-Fill child fields on selecting an option for the parent selection list
Hashed pasword and case-sensitive password
Fully customizable template and extensions

Release Notes:
What's New in 2018.0.4


System Requirements:
- Windows Vista/2008/2012/2016/7/8/10

ASPMaker requires the following system files:
- .NET Framework 4.0 (or newer)
- IIS Express (only required if you want to use IIS Express as testing web server)

Thanks to: Soda for making this release possible.



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